Fulfilling your dental hygiene continuing education requirements while living and working abroad is possible. No need to worry about not being able to fulfill your CE obligations. There are opportunities for in-person and virtual seminars on an international level. Check out the following large and small associations and organizations for their yearly CE offerings.
Germany Continuing Education
- The EARDH, based in Germany, has a yearly conference.
- The Deutscher Diplom Dental Hygienikerinnen Verband e.V. is a German-based dental hygienist association that offers a yearly conference in the springtime and a newsletter.
- Zukunft Prophylaxe – Zukunft Prophylaxe offers a continuation education weekend seminar in German. The next dates are TBA. Read more about their weekend seminars here (in German).
- The EAZF holds regular ZMF and DH continuing education courses – in German. They also provide the bridge courses from dental assisting to dental hygiene.
Get to know some of your dental hygienist colleagues working overseas.
Switzerland Continuing Education
- The Zurich dental hygiene study club (IDPS) offers CPR re-certification courses.
- The Zurich dental hygiene study club (IDPS) also offers monthly and yearly CEU events.
- Swiss Dental Hygienists association offers a yearly conference and other monthly meetings. Some of the meetings have either been cancelled or offered virtually.
Read the latest info on working in Switzerland as a foreign-trained dental hygienist.
Dental Hygiene Continuing Education in Other Countries
- FDI Oral Health Campus offers free CEs from dental professionals around the world. The topics are centered around dental public health. Registration is free and quick.
- The IFDH offers a listing of the larger meetings offered in its member countries.
- The ISDH (International Symposium on Dental Hygiene) is a 3-day symposium by the IFDH. It is held every 2 years.
U.S. Dental Hygiene Continuing Education Offerings
- American Dental Hygienists Association offers a weekend-long annual conference. The future conference dates are also already set.
- ADHA Dental Hygiene Leadership Summit will be held virtually and is designed to help you give your career a boost.
- RDH Under One Roof is a popular conference to attend. This conference is held over one weekend.
- Florida Dental Hygiene Symposium is a meeting that will be held over various weekends. One registration covers all weekends.
- Continuing Education Opportunities by school as listed on the ADHA Education & Research page.
- Netce.com usually has nice Florida CEU packets at a reasonable price.
- Dentalcare.com offers more than 150 professional education courses free of charge.
Canadian C.E. Opportunities
- The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association offers a yearly leadership summit. Read more info here.
- More to come…
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